CHURCH of GOD eW(J CHURCH of GOD eW(J LOS ANGELES-LONG BEACH EDIT! ON Volume 4 Number 1 January 1964 THOU PREPAREST A TABLE••• Before the eyes of the world, in the past week, Pasadena, California, has been privileged to serve as "Host"to an event which attracted people from all around the world. Unbeknownst to this thriving, bustling community, it has AGAIN been chosen to "Host" a SECOND event which ALSO attracted pteOJtle from all around the earth fore the eyes of the world. The TOURNAMENT OF ROSES 1964 --with all its colorful beauty and pageantry has become history. The screaming throngs who witnessed the Rose Bowl Game have filed out and gone their respective ways. The MILLIONand ONE-HALF people who attended this spectacular event have returned to their homes. The television cameras have been removed and Pasadena is settling down to the peaceful routine for which it has become known. The aforementioned SECOND ewnt, though of much GREATER importance, is quietly "getting under-way" WITHOUT the benefit of TV cameras, swirling milling crowds, and a world-wide audience. THIS event is called by GOD ALMIGHTY -and in keeping with the example of the early Church (Acts 15:6) -is the MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE --1964! In this time of world chaos and confusion when the last flickering flame of order and decency is about to be extinquished, this Conference stands ALONE as THE most necessary and important meeting on earth today! As the true Ministers of God as semble from Africa, Europe, Aus tralia and North America it becomes more apparent that the Gospel of (cont. on page 4 ) however is NOT being presented be NEXT EVENT by Merle May Because of the Minister's Conference it has been decided to bypass the January C h u r c h recreational event. Our usual event would have fallen on January 14, in the middle of the Conference. However, keep a date openfor February 9, for the next event. Details will be announced later. TALENT SHOW HIGHLIGHTS by Stephen Grisham A night of fun -filledfrolic was held in South Gate on December 15 from 5 P. M. until late in the evening. This was a combined Los AngelesLong Beach fun night, highlighted by an unpredictable talent show and an unanticipated, but hilarious movie. The surprise-filled night started as we all situated ourselves for a slapstick, silent film of the "oldies-butgoodies" -suchas Lrurel mdHardy, and Charlie Chaplin -when a RObert Young-Clifton Webb memory maker was projected on the screen. The reac t ion of the record-breaking audience of 610 was acclaimed very auspicious. The pot-luck dinner was marked with a new andvery effective method of servingbecause of the over-sized (cont. on page 4) Part of the crowd--sitting pretty! Thanksgiving Negro by Robert Fiske Many brethrenfrom the Long Beach News of interest to members of the Outing Los Angeles· Long Beach Churchgatheredtogether on Thanks Radio Church of God. .. , GAU THE :!A88ATll A 06~I6Hr.... Nor .sPEAI